Build Positive Experiences

Build Positive Experiences

Here’s a list of Pleasant List:

1. Working on my car

2. Planning a career

3. Getting out of (paying down) debt

4. Collecting things (baseball cards, coins, stamps, rocks, shells, etc.)

5. Going on vacation

6. Thinking how it will be when I finish school

7. Recycling old items

8. Going on a date

9. Relaxing

10. Going to or watching a movie

Find more Pleasant Events here

Accumulating Positive Emotions: Short Term

You can accumulate positive emotions in the short term by doing a few activities:

Build Positive Experiences NOW

INCREASE PLEASANT EVENTS that lead to positive emotions

DO ONE THING each day from the pleasant events list

Practice Opposite Action: AVOID AVOIDING

BE MINDFUL of pleasant events (no multitasking if possible)


FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON POSITIVE MOMENTS when they are happening. No mutli-tasking

REFOCUS your attention when your mind wanders to the negative

PARTICIPATE and ENGAGE fully in each experience


Such as…

When the positive experience will end

Whether you deserve this positive experience

How much more might be expected of you now

Accumulating Positive Emotions: Long Term

Step 1. Avoid Avoiding

Start now to do what is needed to build the life you wan. If you are not sure about what to do, follow the steps below.

Step 2. Identify values that are important to you

ASK: What Values are really important to me in my life?

Example: Be productive; be part of a group; treat others well; be physically fit

Step 3. Identify one value to work on now.
Ask: What is really important to me, right now, to work on in my life?
Example: Be productive.

Step 4. Identify a few goals related to this value.
Ask: What specific goals can I work on that will make this value part of my life?
Examples: Get a job where I can do something useful.
Be more active keeping up with important tasks at home.
Find a volunteer job that will use skills I already have.

Step 5. Choose one goal to work on now.
Do pros and cons, if necessary, to select a goal to work on now.
Example: Get a job where I can do something useful.

Step 6. Identify small action steps toward your goal.
Ask: What small steps can I take to get to my goal?
Examples: Visit places and look for job openings on the Internet in my area.
Submit applications for jobs at places I want to work.
Write résumé.
Check out benefits at places I might want to work.

Step 7. Take one action step now.
Example: Go on Internet and check for jobs in my area

Heres the Decider Skills video on building positive experiences:

Decider Skills: Build Positive Experiences

Here are some worksheets that can help you build more positive experiences:


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