Three Minutes of Thought
This exercise will help you recognise and focus on your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations in your body. In the exercise, you will look and identify the number of thoughts you have in three minute period. This will allow you to become more mindful of just how your mind really works and how quickly you think a thought when it comes.
This exercise will help with the next exercise – Thought Defusion.
1. Set a Timer for Three Minutes
2. Begin writing down every thought you have on a piece of paper.
– Try not to write down every thought word-for-word, just write down a word or two that represents that thought, for example:
If the thought was: ‘I need to get my work done for my project deadline next week’
you can simply write: ‘work project deadline’
3. When you’ve finished, count the number of thoughts you had in three minutes and multiply that number by 20 to get a rough idea of how many thoughts you might have in 60 minutes.
Here are some worksheets and articles you can use: