Soothe Bag

Soothe Bag

The Decider Skills: Soothe Bag for Distress Tolerance

When we are very distressed, it is difficult to think rationally and to decide how to help ourselves. We can therefore resort to using self-destructive behaviours which may help at that moment, but can cause other problems later and in the long-term. It can be useful to keep an `Emergency` or `Soothe` bag or box, in a prominent and handy place, so that when you feel overwhelmingly distressed, you can go to your bag or box and find something that will help you cope and/or feel better.

You can use any bag or box or other container, and decorate it as you wish.

Collect together items that are meaningful, or those you know will be helpful. If you cannot put the item in the bag or box, then perhaps use a reminder of the item, for example, a picture of a song you love, a person you can talk to, a musical instrument or bike. Include items that will help soothe all your senses:

1. Chocolate bar or favourite snack

2. Fidget spinner, rubics cube or game/puzzle

3. iPod or song you can play on your phone

4. A journal or drawing pad with pens, paints or stickers

5. A recipe (if you like cooking/baking) focus on making this

The Decider Skills: Soothe Bag

Here are some worksheets and exercises you can use:


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