Fear of Blood

Fear of Blood

Why do I feel dizzy when I see blood?

The medical term is called Vasovagal syncope, which occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly.

But in more simple terms our bodies react different to different triggering things. For some of us, blood is a big trigger. 

Blood phobia is usually related to other phobias. Trypanosomiasis or fear of medical needles is sometimes related to blood phobia. Some people who are afraid of blood also have other medical phobias, such as fear of doctors and dentists. The medical field is generally associated with terrible images of blood splashes, especially in TV and movies, which may help to perpetuate this phobia. Blood phobia may also be related to health phobias, including hypochondriasis and phobias. Bleeding indicates a problem with your body, and seeing your own blood is enough to trigger health anxiety.

Because the fear of blood is so common, it is often used in popular culture. Horror movies and Halloween events rob us of our natural aversion to blood, usually featuring large amounts of fake blood full of colorful brilliance. Of course, as evidenced by the horror film genre of the 1980s, it is easy for people to become emotionally numb to such images, especially for those who have fear but are not completely phobic.

 Part of the reason is that the shower scene “Psycho” in the 1960s movies is still considered a masterpiece and is relatively lacking in blood. The scene was shot in black and white, and the knife never really pierced the skin. However, the mind is full of all the details of the terrible knife attack.

Blood phobia can cause all kinds of difficulties. These difficulties may limit life or even be dangerous. If you are afraid of blood, you may not want to seek medical attention. 3 You may postpone or avoid annual physical examinations and required medical examinations. You can refuse surgery or dental treatment. Parents with hemophobia may find it difficult or impossible to bandage their children’s wounds. You can delegate these tasks to your spouse as much as possible. You may also overreact to your child and your own minor injuries, and often go to the emergency room or walk-in clinic when home treatment is sufficient. Fear of blood may also cause you to restrict activities that are at risk of injury. You may not be able to participate in outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, or running. You may avoid sports, carnival rides, and other activities that you think are dangerous. Over time, this avoidance behaviour can lead to isolation. You may suffer from social phobia, or in extreme cases, agoraphobia. 3 Your interpersonal relationships may be affected, and you may find it difficult to participate in even normal daily activities. It is not uncommon to feel depressed.


There are many treatments to helping the fear of blood. The most common one is cognitive behavioural therapy. You will learn to replace fearful self-talking with healthier responses.

You will also learn new behaviours and coping strategies. If your phobia is severe, medications can help control anxiety and allow you to focus on treatment strategies. Other forms of talk therapy, hypnosis, and even alternative therapies may also help.

A skilled therapist can guide you through the rehabilitation process, which may be difficult or impossible to complete by yourself. However, with help, there is no reason for this fear of blood to control your life.

How can I be kind and gentle with myself today about my fear?


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